Welcome to our home page: Sacred Heart Church in Memphis My brothers and sisters, This is my privilege to welcome you to Sacred Heart Church. Hope that you will find more information and activities of our faithful parishioners who readily open their heart to God and to their brothers and sisters of different cultures and languages. We believe in God who calls us together and forms us His Mystical Body alive and charitable here in West Memphis area, as our mission statement says: “A community of diverse peoples committed to growing together into the fullness of the body of Christ, through active participation in the liturgy & faithful discipleship. We seek to share Christ’s love with those around us, as we share Christ’s mission of working for the reign of God on earth.” We believe that God has given to each one of us different talents and gifts; and if we put all together and collaborate with one another in harmony, the Kingdom of God is here and now. Our Church is Missionary Church for each member is called to be missionary by the sacrament of Baptism. Sacred Heart parish invites you to deepen your spiritual understanding and reflection on your Baptismal call. We invite you to worship with us every Sunday for Holy Mass! In the meantime, you can explore this site to check out our ministries, our pastoral groups, and their activities. If you need anything else, please contact us.
HORARIO DE LA MISA Misas los Días de semana: 12:00 pm: Martes a Viernes (Inglés) 7:00 pm: Jueves (Vietnamita) 7:00 pm: Viernes Adoración & Misa (Español) Misas Fines de semana: Sábado: 5:00 pm (Inglés) Domingo: 8:30 am (Inglés) 10:00 am (Vietnamita) 12:00 pm: (Español)
CHƯƠNG TRÌNH LỄ Lễ Trong tuần: 12:00pm Thứ Ba đến Thứ Sáu (Tiếng Anh) 7:00pm: Thứ Năm: (Tiếng Việt) 7:00pm: Thứ Sáu, Lễ và chầu (Tiếng Tây Ban Nha) Lễ Cuối tuần: Thứ Bảy: 5:00pm: (Tiếng Anh) Chúa Nhật: 8:30am(Tiếng Anh) 10:00am (Tiếng Việt), 12:00pm: (Tiếng Tây Ban Nha)
RECONCILIATION /CONFESION /XƯNG TỘI: Saturday/Sabado/Thứ Bảy: After 5:00pm Mass. Or By appointment/llamar para una city/Hay gọi lấy hẹn trước